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discord-features-handler began as a personal project to create my first npm package. At the time, I was developing three Discord.js bots for different servers using the same format for loading commands, events, and module files for the bots.

By making this package, I hope I can help bot developers create their own Discord.js bots without the hassle of defining a handler to load each file and just focus on building the command and event files for the bot.

Roadmap and future development

Future development of this package will reflect major version updates for Discord.js as well as any bug fixes for this package. You can check the progress in the dev branch; however, there may be undocumented changes and features.

Development Branch
  npm install github:bng94/discord-features-handler#dev

Support and Feedback

This package is looking for feedback and ideas to help cover more use cases. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them or even contribute to this package! Please first discuss the add-on or change you wish to make in the repository.

If you like this package and want to see more add-ons, please support me by starring the GitHub repository and/or providing some feedback, contributing, improving, and/or stating issues that you come across in the package to the GitHub repository.