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Built-in Functions

You can access your config properties using the client.config.


You can access your command files properties and method by using client.commands.


For this method, we use to check the person who sent the message. This will return a number, the permission level of the user.

  author, // user of the person who send the message
  channel, // channel where the message was sent
  guild, // guild where the message was sent
  guildMember // the guildMember, if its a guildMember who sent the message

For this method, it will load a command when given command file name and folder name. Typically ran during startup of the bot to ensure the command is ready to use on startup.

  file, // name of the command file
  folder, // folder name where the command is located
  loadingMsg //if we should display which file been loaded

For this method, it will unload a command when given command name and folder name that the command is in. Your bot will no longer have access to the specific command unload until bot restarts.

client.unLoadCommand(commandName, folderName) 

Here are some other features provided:

A built-in Capitalization String Function for words in a sentence format.

  // <String>.toProperCase() returns a proper-cased string such as:
  // "A quick brown fox jumps the lazy dog".toProperCase()
  // returns "A Quick Brown Fox Jumps The Lazy Dog"
  String.prototype.toProperCase = function () {
    return this.replace(/([^\W_]+[^\s-]*) */g, function (txt) {
      return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();

A built-in Array.random() function to return a random element of an Array.

  Array.prototype.random = function () {
    return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)];

Handling unhandledRejection, events that fails because of missing .catch(e => {...}); to prevent bot from crashing in middle of production. You can disable this if prefer to have your bot to stop if running into an unexpected error.

  process.on("unhandledRejection", (e) => {