Built-in Help Command
This is the built-in help command, this will generate an embed with Buttons, and the buttons are named based of your category folder, from your command folder.
Max category this can handle is 5 categories due to MessageActionRow limit, therefore if you make more than 5 categories in your command folder this command will not work!
If you want to modify this built-in file you can disable it in DiscordFeaturesHandlerOptions and create the following help command file
* Display all commands based off the user's permission level defined in config.js
const {
} = require("discord.js");
const filterTime = 60000;
module.exports = {
name: "help",
description: "List all of my commands or info about a specific command.",
aliases: ["commands"],
permissions: 0,
minArgs: 0,
maxArgs: 1,
usage: "<command name>",
async execute(message, args, client) {
// using the built-in functions and get the permission level of user
const level = client.getPermissionsLevel({
author: message.author,
channel: message.channel,
guild: message.guild,
guildMember: message.member,
// filter the commands saved in new collection object
const commands = await client.commands.filter(
(cmd) => cmd.permissions <= level
const data = getSortedCommandArray(client, commands);
if (!args.length) {
// get embed with data and categorized all the commands displayed
const embed = getInitialEmbed(data, client);
//get rows of buttons based of cmds categories
const row = getButtonRows(data);
//send initial message and await
embeds: [embed],
components: [row],
.then((msg) => {
// after message was sent then listen...
// Filter, ensures that the user who initial the help cmd call is changing the embed by their request
const filter = (i) => i.user.id === message.author.id;
// Create the message component for buttons to show on embeds
const collector = message.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({
time: filterTime,
//this awaits and collect responses from input of user and handle it.
collector.on("collect", async (i) => {
const newEmbed = getUpdateEmbed(data, i, client);
await i.update({ embeds: [newEmbed], components: [row] });
// handles after the collection event ended
// disable listening to btn inputs after filterTime expires
return collector.on("end", async (collected) => {
const lastRow = getButtonRows(data, true);
return await msg.edit({ components: [lastRow] });
} else {
//display the command info requested from user's call
const name = args[0].toLowerCase();
const response = await getSingleCmd(commands, name, client);
return message.reply(response).catch((error) => console.log(error));
* This is can be used for slash help command if you choose to!
async interactionReply(interaction, client, level) {
await interaction.deferReply();
const { options } = interaction;
const name = options.getString("cmd_name");
const commands = await client.commands.filter(
(cmd) => cmd.permissions <= level
const data = getSortedCommandArray(client, commands);
if (!name) {
const embed = getInitialEmbed(data, client);
const row = getButtonRows(data);
await interaction.editReply({
embeds: [embed],
components: [row],
//display the command info requested from user's call
// Filter, ensures that the user who initial the help cmd call is changing the embed by their request
const filter = (i) => i.user.id === interaction.user.id;
// Create the message component for buttons to show on embeds
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({
time: filterTime,
//this awaits and collect responses from input of user and handle it.
collector.on("collect", async (i) => {
const newEmbed = getUpdateEmbed(data, i, client);
await i.update({ embeds: [newEmbed], components: [row] });
// handles after the collection event ended
// disable listening to btn inputs after filterTime expires
return collector.on("end", async (collected) => {
const lastRow = getButtonRows(data, true);
return await interaction.editReply({ components: [lastRow] });
} else {
//display the command info requested from user's call
const response = await getSingleCmd(commands, name, client);
return await interaction
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
* @param {Client} client discord client object
* @param {Array<string>} commands all commands based off user's permission lvl
* formatted array of all commands categorized based off sub folder names
* @returns
const getSortedCommandArray = (client, commands) => {
const dataArray = [];
const prefix = Array.isArray(client.config.prefix)
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix;
const commandNames = commands.map((cmd) => cmd.name);
const longestName = commandNames.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a.length > b.length ? a : b;
const sorted = commands.sort((p, c) =>
p.category > c.category
? 1
: p.name > c.name && p.category === c.category
? 1
: -1
let category = "";
let index = -1;
sorted.map((command) => {
let temp = {
category: "",
commands: [],
if (!category || category != command.category) {
category = command.category;
temp = { ...temp, category };
index = dataArray.findIndex((element) => element.category === category);
temp = dataArray[index];
name: `${prefix}${command.name}`,
description: `${command.description}`,
dataArray[index] = temp;
return dataArray;
* @param {Array<string>} data the data to display on the embed
* @param {Client} client Discord client object
* @returns EmbedBuilder to display
const getInitialEmbed = (data, client) => {
const categories = data.map((cat) => `**${cat.category}**`).join(`\n`);
const defaultEmbed = new EmbedBuilder().setTitle("Help Menu").setAuthor({
name: `${client.user.username} Help Menu`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
}).setDescription(`There are ${data.length} categories!\n${categories}
Click the respective buttons to see the commands of the category. You have ${
filterTime / 60000
} minutes until buttons are disabled.`);
return defaultEmbed;
* @param {Array<string>} data the data to display on the embed
* @param {Number} i index of category to show
* @param {Client} client Discord client object
* @returns EmbedBuilder to display
const getUpdateEmbed = (data, i, client) => {
const index = data.findIndex((d) => d.category === i.customId);
const cmds = data[index].commands
.map((cmd) => {
let cmdName = cmd.name
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix,
return `**${cmdName}**\n${cmd.description}\n`;
return new EmbedBuilder()
name: `${client.user.username} Help Menu`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
.setTitle(`${data[index].category} Category`)
name: `To see a more details about a specific command type following and replace "name" with the command name:`,
value: `/help name or ${
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix
}help name`,
* @param {Array<string>} data of all commands
* @param {Boolean} disabled the button once timer expires
* @returns different colors variations for the component
const getButtonRows = (data, disabled = false) => {
const colorForCategory = [
name: "admin",
color: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
name: "commands",
color: ButtonStyle.Primary,
name: "miscellaneous",
color: ButtonStyle.Success,
name: "system",
color: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
const defaultColor = ButtonStyle.Primary;
const btnArray = data.map((res) => {
const catName = res.category;
const index = colorForCategory.findIndex(
(colors) => colors.name === catName.toLowerCase()
const style = index !== -1 ? colorForCategory[index].color : defaultColor;
return new ButtonBuilder()
let row = new ActionRowBuilder();
if (btnArray.length > 0) {
btnArray.map((btn) => row.addComponents(btn));
return row;
* @param {Array<string>} commands listed for the users to see
* @param {string} name of the command to lookup
* @param {client} client Discord client object
* @returns information about the command requested to lookup
const getSingleCmd = async (commands, name, client) => {
const prefix = Array.isArray(client.config.prefix)
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix;
const command = await commands.find(
(cmd) => cmd.name === name || cmd.aliases === name
if (!command) {
return {
content: `The command, **${name}**
+ does not exist!`,
const fieldObj = [];
const aliases = command.aliases.join(", ");
if (aliases.length !== 0) {
name: `Aliases:`,
value: `${aliases}`,
inline: true,
name: `Category:`,
value: `${command.category}`,
inline: true,
if (command.usage.length !== 0) {
name: `Usage:`,
value: `${prefix}${command.name} ${command.usage}`,
name: `Slash:`,
value: `${command.data ? `True` : `False`}`,
inline: true,
try {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
name: `${client.user.tag}`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
.setTitle(`${command.name.toProperCase()} Command`)
return { embeds: [embed] };
} catch (e) {
* Display all commands based off the user's permission level defined in config.js
const {
} = require("discord.js");
const filterTime = 60000;
module.exports = {
name: "help",
description: "List all of my commands or info about a specific command.",
aliases: ["commands"],
permissions: 0,
minArgs: 0,
maxArgs: 1,
usage: "<command name>",
async execute(message, args, client) {
// using the built-in functions and get the permission level of user
const level = client.getPermissionsLevel({
author: message.author,
channel: message.channel,
guild: message.guild,
guildMember: message.member,
// filter the commands saved in new collection object
const commands = await client.commands.filter(
(cmd) => cmd.permissions <= level
const data = getSortedCommandArray(client, commands);
if (!args.length) {
// get embed with data and categorized all the commands displayed
const embed = getInitialEmbed(data, client);
//get rows of buttons based of cmds categories
const row = getButtonRows(data);
//send initial message and await
embeds: [embed],
components: [row],
.then((msg) => {
// after message was sent then listen...
// Filter, ensures that the user who initial the help cmd call is changing the embed by their request
const filter = (i) => i.user.id === message.author.id;
// Create the message component for buttons to show on embeds
const collector = message.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({
time: filterTime,
//this awaits and collect responses from input of user and handle it.
collector.on("collect", async (i) => {
const newEmbed = getUpdateEmbed(data, i, client);
await i.update({ embeds: [newEmbed], components: [row] });
// handles after the collection event ended
// disable listening to btn inputs after filterTime expires
return collector.on("end", async (collected) => {
const lastRow = getButtonRows(data, true);
return await msg.edit({ components: [lastRow] });
} else {
//display the command info requested from user's call
const name = args[0].toLowerCase();
const response = await getSingleCmd(commands, name, client);
return message.reply(response).catch((error) => console.log(error));
async interactionReply(interaction, client, level) {
await interaction.deferReply();
const { options } = interaction;
const name = options.getString("cmd_name");
const commands = await client.commands.filter(
(cmd) => cmd.permissions <= level
const data = getSortedCommandArray(client, commands);
if (!name) {
const embed = getInitialEmbed(data, client);
const row = getButtonRows(data);
await interaction.editReply({
embeds: [embed],
components: [row],
//display the command info requested from user's call
// Filter, ensures that the user who initial the help cmd call is changing the embed by their request
const filter = (i) => i.user.id === interaction.user.id;
// Create the message component for buttons to show on embeds
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({
time: filterTime,
//this awaits and collect responses from input of user and handle it.
collector.on("collect", async (i) => {
const newEmbed = getUpdateEmbed(data, i, client);
await i.update({ embeds: [newEmbed], components: [row] });
// handles after the collection event ended
// disable listening to btn inputs after filterTime expires
return collector.on("end", async (collected) => {
const lastRow = getButtonRows(data, true);
return await interaction.editReply({ components: [lastRow] });
} else {
//display the command info requested from user's call
const response = await getSingleCmd(commands, name, client);
return await interaction
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
* @param {Client} client discord client object
* @param {Array<string>} commands all commands based off user's permission lvl
* formatted array of all commands categorized based off sub folder names
* @returns
const getSortedCommandArray = (client, commands) => {
const dataArray = [];
const prefix = Array.isArray(client.config.prefix)
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix;
const commandNames = commands.map((cmd) => cmd.name);
const longestName = commandNames.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a.length > b.length ? a : b;
const sorted = commands.sort((p, c) =>
p.category > c.category
? 1
: p.name > c.name && p.category === c.category
? 1
: -1
let category = "";
let index = -1;
sorted.map((command) => {
let temp = {
category: "",
commands: [],
if (!category || category != command.category) {
category = command.category;
temp = { ...temp, category };
index = dataArray.findIndex((element) => element.category === category);
temp = dataArray[index];
name: `${prefix}${command.name}`,
description: `${command.description}`,
dataArray[index] = temp;
return dataArray;
* @param {Array<string>} data the data to display on the embed
* @param {Client} client Discord client object
* @returns EmbedBuilder to display
const getInitialEmbed = (data, client) => {
const categories = data.map((cat) => `**${cat.category}**`).join(`\n`);
const defaultEmbed = new EmbedBuilder().setTitle("Help Menu").setAuthor({
name: `${client.user.username} Help Menu`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
}).setDescription(`There are ${data.length} categories!\n${categories}
Click the respective buttons to see the commands of the category. You have ${
filterTime / 60000
} minutes until buttons are disabled.`);
return defaultEmbed;
* @param {Array<string>} data the data to display on the embed
* @param {Number} i index of category to show
* @param {Client} client Discord client object
* @returns EmbedBuilder to display
const getUpdateEmbed = (data, i, client) => {
const index = data.findIndex((d) => d.category === i.customId);
const cmds = data[index].commands
.map((cmd) => {
let cmdName = cmd.name
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix,
return `**${cmdName}**\n${cmd.description}\n`;
return new EmbedBuilder()
name: `${client.user.username} Help Menu`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
.setTitle(`${data[index].category} Category`)
name: `To see a more details about a specific command type following and replace "name" with the command name:`,
value: `/help name or ${
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix
}help name`,
* @param {Array<string>} data of all commands
* @param {Boolean} disabled the button once timer expires
* @returns different colors variations for the component
const getButtonRows = (data, disabled = false) => {
const colorForCategory = [
name: "admin",
color: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
name: "commands",
color: ButtonStyle.Primary,
name: "miscellaneous",
color: ButtonStyle.Success,
name: "system",
color: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
const defaultColor = ButtonStyle.Primary;
const btnArray = data.map((res) => {
const catName = res.category;
const index = colorForCategory.findIndex(
(colors) => colors.name === catName.toLowerCase()
const style = index !== -1 ? colorForCategory[index].color : defaultColor;
return new ButtonBuilder()
let row = new ActionRowBuilder();
if (btnArray.length > 0) {
btnArray.map((btn) => row.addComponents(btn));
return row;
* @param {Array<string>} commands listed for the users to see
* @param {string} name of the command to lookup
* @param {client} client Discord client object
* @returns information about the command requested to lookup
const getSingleCmd = async (commands, name, client) => {
const prefix = Array.isArray(client.config.prefix)
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix;
const command = await commands.find(
(cmd) => cmd.name === name || cmd.aliases === name
if (!command) {
return {
content: `The command, **${name}**
+ does not exist!`,
const fieldObj = [];
const aliases = command.aliases.join(", ");
if (aliases.length !== 0) {
name: `Aliases:`,
value: `${aliases}`,
inline: true,
name: `Category:`,
value: `${command.category}`,
inline: true,
if (command.usage.length !== 0) {
name: `Usage:`,
value: `${prefix}${command.name} ${command.usage}`,
name: `Slash:`,
value: `${command.data ? `True` : `False`}`,
inline: true,
try {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
name: `${client.user.tag}`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
.setTitle(`${command.name.toProperCase()} Command`)
return { embeds: [embed] };
} catch (e) {
* Display all commands based off the user's permission level defined in config.js
const {
} = require("discord.js");
const filterTime = 60000;
module.exports = {
name: "help",
description: "List all of my commands or info about a specific command.",
aliases: ["commands"],
permissions: 0,
minArgs: 0,
maxArgs: 1,
usage: "<command name>",
async execute(message, args, client) {
// using the built-in functions and get the permission level of user
const level = client.getPermissionsLevel({
author: message.author,
channel: message.channel,
guild: message.guild,
guildMember: message.member,
// filter the commands saved in new collection object
const commands = await client.commands.filter(
(cmd) => cmd.permissions <= level
const data = getSortedCommandArray(client, commands);
if (!args.length) {
// get embed with data and categorized all the commands displayed
const embed = getInitialEmbed(data, client);
//get rows of buttons based of cmds categories
const row = getButtonRows(data);
//send initial message and await
embeds: [embed],
components: [row],
.then((msg) => {
// after message was sent then listen...
// Filter, ensures that the user who initial the help cmd call is changing the embed by their request
const filter = (i) => i.user.id === message.author.id;
// Create the message component for buttons to show on embeds
const collector = message.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({
time: filterTime,
//this awaits and collect responses from input of user and handle it.
collector.on("collect", async (i) => {
const newEmbed = getUpdateEmbed(data, i, client);
await i.update({ embeds: [newEmbed], components: [row] });
// handles after the collection event ended
// disable listening to btn inputs after filterTime expires
return collector.on("end", async (collected) => {
const lastRow = getButtonRows(data, true);
return await msg.edit({ components: [lastRow] });
} else {
//display the command info requested from user's call
const name = args[0].toLowerCase();
const response = await getSingleCmd(commands, name, client);
return message.reply(response).catch((error) => console.log(error));
async interactionReply(interaction, client, level) {
await interaction.deferReply();
const { options } = interaction;
const name = options.getString("cmd_name");
const commands = await client.commands.filter(
(cmd) => cmd.permissions <= level
const data = getSortedCommandArray(client, commands);
if (!name) {
const embed = getInitialEmbed(data, client);
const row = getButtonRows(data);
await interaction.editReply({
embeds: [embed],
components: [row],
//display the command info requested from user's call
// Filter, ensures that the user who initial the help cmd call is changing the embed by their request
const filter = (i) => i.user.id === interaction.user.id;
// Create the message component for buttons to show on embeds
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({
time: filterTime,
//this awaits and collect responses from input of user and handle it.
collector.on("collect", async (i) => {
const newEmbed = getUpdateEmbed(data, i, client);
await i.update({ embeds: [newEmbed], components: [row] });
// handles after the collection event ended
// disable listening to btn inputs after filterTime expires
return collector.on("end", async (collected) => {
const lastRow = getButtonRows(data, true);
return await interaction.editReply({ components: [lastRow] });
} else {
//display the command info requested from user's call
const response = await getSingleCmd(commands, name, client);
return await interaction
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
* @param {Client} client discord client object
* @param {Array<string>} commands all commands based off user's permission lvl
* formatted array of all commands categorized based off sub folder names
* @returns
const getSortedCommandArray = (client, commands) => {
const dataArray = [];
const prefix = Array.isArray(client.config.prefix)
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix;
const commandNames = commands.map((cmd) => cmd.name);
const longestName = commandNames.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a.length > b.length ? a : b;
const sorted = commands.sort((p, c) =>
p.category > c.category
? 1
: p.name > c.name && p.category === c.category
? 1
: -1
let category = "";
let index = -1;
sorted.map((command) => {
let temp = {
category: "",
commands: [],
if (!category || category != command.category) {
category = command.category;
temp = { ...temp, category };
index = dataArray.findIndex((element) => element.category === category);
temp = dataArray[index];
name: `${prefix}${command.name}`,
description: `${command.description}`,
dataArray[index] = temp;
return dataArray;
* @param {Array<string>} data the data to display on the embed
* @param {Client} client Discord client object
* @returns EmbedBuilder to display
const getInitialEmbed = (data, client) => {
const categories = data.map((cat) => `**${cat.category}**`).join(`\n`);
const defaultEmbed = new EmbedBuilder().setTitle("Help Menu").setAuthor({
name: `${client.user.username} Help Menu`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
}).setDescription(`There are ${data.length} categories!\n${categories}
Click the respective buttons to see the commands of the category. You have ${
filterTime / 60000
} minutes until buttons are disabled.`);
return defaultEmbed;
* @param {Array<string>} data the data to display on the embed
* @param {Number} i index of category to show
* @param {Client} client Discord client object
* @returns EmbedBuilder to display
const getUpdateEmbed = (data, i, client) => {
const index = data.findIndex((d) => d.category === i.customId);
const cmds = data[index].commands
.map((cmd) => {
let cmdName = cmd.name
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix,
return `**${cmdName}**\n${cmd.description}\n`;
return new EmbedBuilder()
name: `${client.user.username} Help Menu`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
.setTitle(`${data[index].category} Category`)
name: `To see a more details about a specific command type following and replace "name" with the command name:`,
value: `/help name or ${
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix
}help name`,
* @param {Array<string>} data of all commands
* @param {Boolean} disabled the button once timer expires
* @returns different colors variations for the component
const getButtonRows = (data, disabled = false) => {
const colorForCategory = [
name: "admin",
color: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
name: "commands",
color: ButtonStyle.Primary,
name: "miscellaneous",
color: ButtonStyle.Success,
name: "system",
color: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
const defaultColor = ButtonStyle.Primary;
const btnArray = data.map((res) => {
const catName = res.category;
const index = colorForCategory.findIndex(
(colors) => colors.name === catName.toLowerCase()
const style = index !== -1 ? colorForCategory[index].color : defaultColor;
return new ButtonBuilder()
let row = new ActionRowBuilder();
if (btnArray.length > 0) {
btnArray.map((btn) => row.addComponents(btn));
return row;
* @param {Array<string>} commands listed for the users to see
* @param {string} name of the command to lookup
* @param {client} client Discord client object
* @returns information about the command requested to lookup
const getSingleCmd = async (commands, name, client) => {
const prefix = Array.isArray(client.config.prefix)
? client.config.prefix[0]
: client.config.prefix;
const command = await commands.find(
(cmd) => cmd.name === name || cmd.aliases === name
if (!command) {
return {
content: `The command, **${name}**
+ does not exist!`,
const fieldObj = [];
const aliases = command.aliases.join(", ");
if (aliases.length !== 0) {
name: `Aliases:`,
value: `${aliases}`,
inline: true,
name: `Category:`,
value: `${command.category}`,
inline: true,
if (command.usage.length !== 0) {
name: `Usage:`,
value: `${prefix}${command.name} ${command.usage}`,
name: `Slash:`,
value: `${command.data ? `True` : `False`}`,
inline: true,
try {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
name: `${client.user.tag}`,
iconURL: `${client.user.avatarURL()}`,
.setTitle(`${command.name.toProperCase()} Command`)
return { embeds: [embed] };
} catch (e) {