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Setting up other interactions

Interaction such as buttons, select menu, auto complete, modals and context menus can all be setup within your command file

When setting up these interactions you will need to define a customIds property in your command file:

module.exports = {
    name: 'ping', 
    description: 'Ping Pong Command!',
    aliases: ['p'], 
    guildOnly: true,
    permissions: 0,  
    minArgs: 0,   
   * customIds for your interaction components
    customIds: {
         * customIds for select menus and buttons
        messageComponent: ['msgComponentId'],
         * customIds for auto complete interaction
        autoComplete: ['autoCompleteId'],
         * customIds for modal
        modal: ['modalId'],
    usage: '', 
    execute(message, args, client) { // function named execute; define what the command does
        return{ content: 'Pong.'});

If you are creating a modal then you will need to add modalInteraction method

modalInteraction(interaction, client, level) Promise<Interaction>

Property Type Required Description
interaction ModalSubmitInteraction Class true This is the command interaction object that represents a slash command interaction on Discord.
client Discord.Client false This is the Discord client object.
level Number false This is the user's permission level.

If you are creating a message component then you will need to add componentInteraction method

componentInteraction(interaction, client, level) Promise<Interaction>


If you are using createMessageComponentCollector then you do not need to define this method to handle the button or select menu interaction

Property Type Required Description
interaction MessageComponentInteraction Class true This is the command interaction object that represents a button or select menu interaction on Discord.
client Discord.Client false This is the Discord client object.
level Number false This is the user's permission level.

If you are creating a auto complete component then you will need to add autoCompleteInteraction method

autoCompleteInteraction(interaction, client, level) Promise<Interaction>

Property Type Required Description
interaction AutocompleteInteraction Class true This is the command interaction object that represents a auto complete interaction on Discord.
client Discord.Client false This is the Discord client object.
level Number false This is the user's permission level.

If you are creating a user context menu component then you will need to add contextMenuInteraction method

contextMenuInteraction(interaction, client, level) Promise<Interaction>

Property Type Required Description
interaction UserContextMenuCommandInteraction Class true This is the command interaction object that represents a user context menu interaction on Discord.
client Discord.Client false This is the Discord client object.
level Number false This is the user's permission level.