Brandon Bing Ng
Software Engineer
Software Engineering, M.S.
Pace University, Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems • Aug 2020 • New York, NY
- GPA: 3.95
Computer Science, B.S.
Brooklyn College, City University of New York • Dec 2016 • Brooklyn, NY
Relevant Coursework
- Mobile Web Development
- Software Design
- Software Requirements
- Software Validation
- Software Verification
- Software Risk
- Software QA
- Software Engineering Studio I
- IS Project and Change Management
Academic Projects
Hiking Trail
Ionic Cordova Android App
- Developed an Android application using Ionic Framework and AngularJS that allows the user to find hiking trails near their current location or a stated range from their current location.
- Implemented an option that provides a user with directions to the selected hiking trail using Google Maps.
Recreating Bridget Riley Image
HTML & CSS, Vanilla JavaScript
- Developed a canvas drawing on a website using JavaScript that recreates Bridget Riley’s optical art.
- Designed the image to move by device motion when requested permission has been authorized.
Rick n Morty Characters Website
AngularJS, TypeScript
- Developed a website using Ionic Framework and AngularJS that allows a user to select a character of their choice by obtaining data from an external API.
Ultra-Corporation Website
- Developed a responsive website using HTML and CSS to display mock products for a mock company.
Portfolio Website
HTML & CSS, jQuery, PHP
- Developed a responsive website using HTML, CSS, and jQuery to display a list and links to 6 projects.
- Clarified contact information with a contact page listing links to my GitHub, LinkedIn, and my email address.
Contract Web Developer
New York City Yugioh Organization • Nov 2020 – Aug 2021 • New York, NY
- Developed a responsive website using Bootstrap framework, jQuery, and PHP, with access to the SQL database to manage their public and private events and activities.
- Designed and developed the administrator dashboard for their administrators to oversee the use of the website and activities from their constituent.
Technical Skills
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- jQuery
- Ajax
- Git
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap
- ReactJS
- Redux